Counselling for Breakup in Relationship a Must to Stay Safe

You find many couples hanging out openly in restaurants, parks, and other public places. The females are free to choose their partners and so are the males. However, not many relationships are found to be long-lasting. As much as you hear about the relationships between young males and females being a common feature so has the breakup of these relationships become a common affair. But breakups can cause mental agony which needs to be treated specially with counseling. Now we are living in a more liberal society than before. Because of this mingling of girls and boys is not a taboo like it used to be a decade or so ago. This has given rise to many young adults building a strong relationship with the opposite gender. They have no such fear of the society nowadays and many can openly declare their relationship status and dating amongst even teenagers has become a norm today. One thing is certain that youngsters hastily build relationships and also break them in haste. This c...